- Db visual studio debug not working how to#
- Db visual studio debug not working code#
- Db visual studio debug not working series#
- Db visual studio debug not working download#
Visual Studio will ask if you want to enable JavaScript debugging and then restart the debugging process and bind your breakpoint. Note: If you have not enabled JavaScript debugging before, your JavaScript breakpoint will not bind successfully. Click the Restart button next to the Stop button or press Ctrl+ Shift+ F5 to bind the breakpoint and start debugging.
Db visual studio debug not working code#
We’ll start by checking if our code is calculating the 3 rd and 4 th terms in the Fibonacci sequence correctly. To figure out where our code is going wrong, let’s set a breakpoint on Line 19 inside the for loop in Visual Studio. You can see console.log statements from your client-side JavaScript code in Visual Studio’s Debug Output Switching back to Visual Studio, since our calculateFibonacci() function prints to the Console, you can actually see that log in the Debug Output. We know that the 8 th term should be 13 but our code is saying that the 8 th Fibonacci number is 8! Debugging JavaScript in Visual Studio
Our Fibonacci component is calculating the 8th term in the sequence as 8 Microsoft Edge is showing the Fibonacci component we added You’ll see the entry we added for our Fibonacci component in the NavMenu on the left. Your app is successfully running in Microsoft Edge! Visual Studio will start your web application and Microsoft Edge will automatically launch and navigate to your app. Now click the green Play button or press F5 on your keyboard. Select Microsoft Edge Beta, Dev, or Canary for Visual Studio to launch If you don’t see Microsoft Edge Beta, Dev or Canary in the dropdown, you may need to restart Visual Studio. In Visual Studio, click the dropdown next to IIS Express and select the version of Microsoft Edge (Beta, Dev, or Canary) that you have installed.
Db visual studio debug not working download#
If you don’t have it installed already, head to to download the preview builds of Microsoft Edge.
Let’s build our app in the new Microsoft Edge to see if our code is calculating the right answer. For now, just to test our logic, we’ll assume that the user wants to know what the 8 th term in the sequence is, which is 13. Start by modifying App.js to import our soon-to-be-created Fibonacci component and route to it: import React, Įventually, we’ll add a form to the render function for the user to supply n, the variable we’re using to represent the term in the Fibonacci sequence that they want to know. To handle this calculation, let’s create a new Fibonacci component and add it to our app.
Db visual studio debug not working series#
The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones, starting with 0 and 1. Let’s assume that as part of this app, a user will input the term in the Fibonacci sequence they want to know and our client-side JavaScript code will be responsible for calculating it and displaying the result to the user. Using JavaScript to calculate the Fibonacci sequence Once your project has been created, open ClientApp/src/App.js which you’ll see is a React component for our app.
Db visual studio debug not working how to#
To show off support for debugging JavaScript, we’ll use the React.js template which shows you how to integrate React.js with an ASP.NET Core application. To try out this feature, let’s start by creating a new ASP.NET Core Web Application.Ĭreate a new project in Visual Studio and select ASP.NET Core Web Application. You can now debug JavaScript in Microsoft Edge for your ASP.NET Framework and ASP.NET Core applications. Visual Studio now supports debugging JavaScript running in Microsoft Edge!Ĭreate a new ASP.NET Core Web Application Head to /downloads/ to download the latest Visual Studio now! Starting with Visual Studio 2019 version 16.2, we’ve extended support to the preview builds of Microsoft Edge, which leverage Chromium. With Visual Studio today, you can already debug JavaScript running in the current version of Microsoft Edge, built on top of the EdgeHTML web platform. If you haven’t already, you can try out preview builds of Microsoft Edge from which is now available on Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, and macOS! As you may know, the next version of Microsoft Edge will adopt the Chromium open source project to create better web compatibility and less fragmentation of different underlying web platforms.